Resources for Rose Valley residents

Outdoor Play: Learn About Conservation
Resources especially for kids ... and adults, too
More green in your pocket and community

Neighborly Natural Landscaping
Creating natural environments on your property

Rose Valley Bird List
By our resident ornithologist, Prof. John Smith

Invasive Species
What are they and what can we do about them?

Best Plants to Enhance Wildlife and
Native Biodiversity

Turn your yard into a wildlife magnet!

Plant Native
Native plant nurseries, organizations, species lists

Environmental Education Virtual Field Trips 
for Nature Lovers
For educators, students, and nature lovers of all ages

Brush Piles for Wildlife Habitat
A good use for prunings and fallen branches

Safe Outdoor Burning and Better Alternatives
To burn or not to burn—and what RV’s law requires

Chester-Ridley-Crum Watersheds Association
Protecting our streams and water supply

Deer Management in Rose Valley
The whys and wherefores of our deer program

© Roger Latham 2022